This Is Mongolia
In a 1,5 million square kilometer territory, there are the High Rocky Mountains with glaciers, hundreds of crystals and salted lakes, long and deep rivers that float in larch and pine forest in the north, an endless deadly desert that has extraordinary sand dune and oasis in east and southern region.
What Makes Us Special
Local Expert Guides
More than 15 years of travel expertise in Mongolian travel industry
Handpicked Adventures
We will be happy to tailor your vacation unforgettable
Hidden Gem Destinations
Last of a nomads on earth to be explored before it is vanishes

De reis die wis de afgelopen 9 dagen gemaakt hebben was fantastich, en Saruul heeft daarin een grote rol gespeelo. His stond continue klaar om zaken uit te leggen, te regelen maar was ook zeker te uinden voor een goede grap. Door Saruul is onze reis meer gewocden dan we vermacht hadden, en zijn tomelore enthousiasme doer zisn eigen lan maakte ons eigen gevoel nog sterker. Saruul, thank you so much for everything. You helped me win a challenge, bus also you made my stay in Mongolia a wonderful experience! Sincerely hope you will keep your enthusiasm and i wish you all the best with your business.
21 July 2005.
Bonnie, the Netherland
Danka fur alles
Hab sorg fu dim land und pass ut dich nit. Ma gseht sich i dr Schwiiz! :)
Melanie - Schweiz
Dear Mr. Saruul,
Thanks a million for being our wonderful tour organizer for the past 8 days. You made our experience so much better, and without you we would not have learned so much about Mongolia. Thanks for the cool Russian music too.
Cheers and Good luck.
Adam & Shannan - Canada